For some time I want a new look, but I lack the courage to take this step. Since I know I had medium or long hair, although I wish very much to see that I would stay with a short cut hair. There have long hair, and a radical change does not have the courage to do, so I chose to take my wig a more natural and good quality. This idea came to me when I saw my friend Mica with long hair, rich and natural. She told me that he buy from Cocowig five wigs with different haircuts: one with hair long and bushy, with another short straight hair, one short curly hair and one with an average haircut. So I learned that wigs are affordable and the quality is superior to one from us.
Cocowig has a wide range of both color wigs, haircuts as well as prices. As I said earlier I want something short, so we looked at Short African American Wigs what I want. Here we also found a variety of wigs and I was hard for me to decide on a single.

I chose wig 120% Straight Capless 10 Inches Synthetic Hair with short hair with bangs, and shade is an open one with canopy and lighter as if stripes. Transport is free and will receive a gift. I can not wait to get command. I forgot to tell you that the price is very low compared with prices on our sites Romanian.
You have ever used wigs? you like the color or the closest to natural?
De ceva timp imi doresc o schimbare de look, dar imi lipseste curajul sa fac acest pas. De cand ma stiu am avut parul mediu sau lung, desi imi doresc foarte mult sa vad ca mi-ar sta cu o tunsoare scurta a parului. Momentan am parul lung, iar o schimbare radicala nu am curaj sa fac, de aceea am ales sa-mi iau o peruca cat mai naturala si de buna calitate. Aceasta idee mi-a venit cand am vazut-o pe prietena mea Mica cu un par lung, bogat si natural. Ea mi-a povestit ca are vreo 5 peruci cumparate de pe Cocowig cu tunsori diferite: una cu parul bogat si lung, alta scurta cu parul drept, una cu parul scurt cret si una cu o tunsoare medie. Asa am aflat ca perucile sunt la preturi accesibile si calitatea acestora este una net superioara celor de la noi.
Cocowig are o gama variata de peruci atat de culori, tunsori cat si ca preturi. Asa cum va spuneam mai devreme as vrea ceva scurt, de aceea am cautat la peruci scurte africane-americane ceea ce imi doresc. Aici am gasit de asemenea o varietatea de peruci si mi-a fost tare greu sa ma decid asupra uneia singure.
Am ales peruca cu parul scurt cu breton, iar nuanta este una deschisa cu tente si mai deschise de parca ar fi suvite. Transportul este gratuit si o sa primesc si un cadou. Abia astept sa ajunga comanda. Am uitat sa va spun ca pretul este unul foarte mic, comparativ cu preturile de pe site-urile noastre romanesti.
Voi ati folosit vreodata peruci? va plac cele colorate sau cele mai aproape de natural?
Dupa parerea mea, perucile se vad ca sunt peruci si eu nu prea le-as purta decat daca ar fi absolut necesar.