( EN) Lately, more and more ladies choose to change their look with hair extensions or wigs. Nothing can be simpler than applying a wig to your home without additional cost for styling. In a few minutes the change is visible and the look is amazing. So far I have not dared buy a wig, but I think it’s time to give up fear and get at least one.
Since I know I did not have a rich hair, and the hair is thin and fragile. These things make my hairstyle as simple as possible and I would like to have a rich haircut. If the length of the hair I managed to have as much as I wanted, the richness of the hair I can not, rather than resort to TedHair hair extensions. I have thoroughly informed and learned that they are of the highest quality and can look after them like natural hair without any problems.
( RO )In ultimul timp tot mai multe doamne aleg sa-si schimbe look-ul cu ajutorul extensiilor de par sau a perucilor. nimic nu poate fi mai simplu decat aplicarea unei peruci la tine acasa, fara costuri suplimentare pentru coafat. In cateva minute schimbarea este vizibila si look-ul este uimitor. Pana acum nu am indraznit sa imi cumpar o peruca, dar cred ca a sosir momentul sa renunt la teama si sa imi iau macar una.
De cand ma stiu nu am avut un par bogat, iar firul de par este subtire si fragil. Aceste lucruri fac ca coafura mea sa fie una cat se poate de simpla si as vrea sa am o coama bogata. Daca lungimea parului am reusit sa o am atat cat mi-am dorit, bogatia parului nu am cum, decat sa apelez la extensiile de par TedHair. M-am informat temeinic si am aflat ca acestea sunt de cea mai buna calitate si le pot ingriji exact ca pe parul natural fara nici o problema.
( EN ) TedHair is a top-quality shop with extensions and wigs. No matter what you want in this store, you can choose from no doubt. You can choose any kind of long straight or curly hair wig, short-grained or curled hair wig and extensions to your liking. The fact that they also sell wholesale is an advantage for stores selling such wigs and hair extensions. If I would recommend a store to bring wigs or extensions I would recommend TedHair Brazilian wholesale or TedHair virgin wholesale.
(RO ) TedHair este un magazin cu extensii si peruci de cea mai buna calitate. Indiferent de ceea ce v-ati dori in acest magazin aveti de unde alege fara nici o indoiala. Puteti opta pentru orice fel de peruca cu par lung drept sau ondulat, peruca cu par scurt frept sau ondulat si extensii pe placul vostru. Faptul ca acestia vand si en-gross este un avantaj pentru magazinele care comercializeaza astfel de peruci si extensii de par. Daca ar fi sa recomand unui magazin sa aduca peruci sau extensii le-as recomanda TedHair Brazilian wholesale sau TedHair virgin wholesale.
( EN )Among the extensions and the wig that opt for hair extensions, I find it more useful than the wigs I would certainly not be able to handle. To be sure I can handle the extensions as opposed to clip extensions or tail style extensions. I found Brazilian extensions, a rich loop of loops that catch very easily. These can be arranged very easily in a hairstyle or can be worn exactly as they are because the hair is curled very well and it keeps it all the time.
( RO )Dintre extensii si peruca as opta pentru extensii de par, mi se par mai utile decat perucile cu care sigur nu m-as descurca. Pentru a fi sigura ca ma pot descurca cu extensiile as opta pentru extensii de par cu clips sau stil coada. Am gasit extensii braziliene, o coma bogata de bucle care se prind foarte usor. Aceste se pot aranja foarte usor intr-o coafura sau pot fi purtate exact cum sunt pentru ca parul este ondulat foarte bine si se mentine tot timpul.
Eu m-am tuns scurt, de 2cm, unde sa-mi pun extensii. Dar imi plac